
CO2 neutral, renewable energies, ecological building concept

Mountain water

In the mountains you live with nature, not against it. Because nature is stronger. Here people have known this since old times. When we started work on the mountain house in 2023, one clear requirement was to carry out an ecologically exemplary renovation, without having to accept any loss in comfort or the historical character of the hut.

The structure of the alpine house, a solid, traditional wooden structure made from local logs, is one of the most ecological and healthiest construction methods possible. However, this was not done in the past due to climate protection considerations, but simply because the building material grew on the doorstep and the construction method, based on centuries of experience, was able to withstand the harsh alpine climate and large amounts of snow.

When renovating the hut, great importance was placed on ecological compatibility and sustainability. Ecological building fabric, pure natural wood construction with local spruce and larch wood, and the extensive avoidance of synthetic insulation and building materials ensure a healthy indoor climate throughout the building. Scientific studies show that rooms with natural wood walls, floors and ceilings have a positive effect on stress levels and heart rhythm. And our guests tell us again and again how well they sleep with us. Our alpine house is in an absolutely quiet location, and with the window open you can't hear anything at night except the gentle rushing of the torrent, the call of a forest bird, or sometimes - regularly in autumn - the mating cry of a big deer.

The heating and hot water preparation of the entire mountain house is based on a combination of wood-fired central heating and a thermal solar system. This is the most ecological and at the same time the most economical heating technology available in the mountains. Because the Almhaus is located in a sunny southwest location, where we still have sunshine all day long, even on the winter solstice. From the end of January onwards, the sunlight is so strong, thanks to our dust-free mountain air, that the solar collectors at least contribute to the production of hot water.

CO2 cycle of wood

There are also the old farm stoves, which produce a particularly cozy warmth and which you can still cook with today. Heating is done with firewood, which is produced during normal forest management and which we buy from local farmers. The CO2 created during combustion is bound again in the long term in the regrowing trees of our mountain forests, because the same amount of trees is always reforested as the number of trees that were removed from the forest. So it’s a natural cycle.

Our water has always come from our own source in the mountain forest, in mineral water quality. Anywhere else it would be bottled and sold for expensive money.

And our electricity comes from 100% renewable energy. This also applies to the entire electricity requirements of the hut, whether lighting, kitchen appliances, operating electricity for the heating system or internet.

This means you can have a 100% CO2-neutral holiday in the Almchalet Goldbergleiten.

Electricity mix of the Almchalet - 100% green electricity
Electricity mix of the Almchalet - 100% green electricity